You Can Do It.

Janis Hunt Johnson
4 min readApr 9, 2022
Joshua Earle — Unsplash

I believe in you.

Sometimes you don’t trust Me. You wonder if I will ever come through. Sometimes you doubt if I am even here at all. And that’s OK. Even when you don’t believe in Me, I believe in you. Yes, I believe in you, even then. I am always rooting for you, knowing you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. In My Mind, you are always a good idea! And actually, My Mind is accessible to you 24/7, so anything you need, just ask, and I will give it to you. Wake up: It’s right here. Look around. Be grateful for your blessings. There are always more blessings coming. They all flow from Me. My Creation is infinite and ever-expanding. Endless possibilities are available to you. Whatever you need. I am here for you. I am your Source. I am Life. Live Me. I am Soul. Relish Me. I am Music. Sing Me. I am Light. Plug in and shine.

Spiritual but not religious.

Yes, I know you’re often frustrated with religions — when you see rigidity, fundamentalism, backwardness, hypocrisy, bigotry, hatred or even violence — so much wrong done in My Name. When things aren’t right, stand up. Arise. Rise above the noise and say something. I am not a creed. I am not a tradition. I am not a ritual. On the other hand, don’t just dabble. Redeem your religion rather than condemn it. Testimonies, customs, sacraments, scriptures and ceremonies — they will…



Janis Hunt Johnson

Author, 5 Smooth Stones: Our Power to Heal Without Medicine through the Science of Prayer. Transformational Editor. From Chicago to L.A., now in Pacific NW.